28 August 2008

Criteria for Selecting a Technical Debt Calculator

In "Calculating Technical Debt", I proposed a set of criteria for selecting a technical debt calculator. This list was:
  • Plugin architecture
  • Flexible roll-up rules
  • Current perspective
  • Trend perspective
  • Languages supported
  • Environments supported
  • Supports qualitative data
  • Build environments
  • Custom dashboards
  • Aggregates multiple projects
  • Continuous integration servers
  • User community
To this list I added a few more criteria relevant to using the tools:
  • Tool quality (is the quality calculator buggy?)
  • Latest release (is this project alive?)
  • Documentation (can I figure out how to use it?)
In "Characteristics of Technical Debt", I came to the conclusion that the McConnell internal quality characteristics were well suited to calculating technical debt. His criteria belong on the list then:
  • Calculates maintainability
  • Calculates flexibility
  • Calculates portability
  • Calculates reusability
  • Calculates readability
  • Calculates testability
  • Calculates understandability
I make no claim this list is exhaustive, but it covers enough of the issues important to me that I am comfortable moving forward with it.

In making these evaluations, I need some projects to run through the tools to see how they perform. The obvious choice is some open-source projects. These projects should:
  • Be developed in Java
  • Have their development history captured in a version control system
  • Have high development activity
  • Have JUnit tests
  • Some built with Ant, some with Maven 2
A trip around a few open-source repositories turned up a few likely candidates:

Jena - A framework for building Semantic Web applications. I'll focus on the ARQ component. (Ant)

Jena (ARQ module) has eight releases in its Subversion tags folder:
$> svn ls https://jena.svn.sourceforge.net/svn/root/jena/ARQ/tags


Tiles - A Web templating framework.  (Maven 2)

Tiles has eight releases in its Subversion tags folder:
$>svn ls http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tiles/framework/tags

This would seem a trivial matter to pick out some projects to use as a basis for our tool evaluation. It turns out this is not so. I won't bore you with the reasons, but this took WAY longer than I expected.

With criteria and test cases in hand, I'll move on to evaluating the options. Sonar seems like a reasonable place to start.

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