15 December 2007

JRuby as a system programming language

At work, we are starting to refactor some of our system utilities. The scripts interact with these basic components:
  • Postgres databases
  • FTP servers
  • Files on various servers
  • Java applications
  • Specific system calls
My boss, being from an "older generation" ;-), favors Unix scripting (sed, bash, etc.) . Being a Ruby/JRuby enthusiast myself, I wanted to show my team how easy these tasks are in JRuby. While sed might take fewer characters in some cases, I think JRuby strikes an ideal match between terseness and readability.

Note that the following code will not run on your computer, at least not without setting up a Postgres database and changing the FTP server info, etc. But it will give you a good flavor for system programming in JRuby.


# Copyright 2007 Effectiveqa.com. All rights reserved


def postgres

# Accessing Postgres from JRuby

# http://ruby.scripting.ca/postgres/rdoc/

$LOAD_PATH << 'C:/jruby-1.0.1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/postgres-pr-0.4.0/lib'

require 'postgres'

con = PGconn.connect('localhost', 5432, nil, nil, 'foo', 'postgres', 'password'

res = con.query("select * from bar")

puts res[0][0]


def ftp

# FTP Access

# http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/net/ftp/rdoc/index.html

require 'net/ftp'

Net::FTP.open('effectiveqa.com') do |ftp|

ftp.login('username', 'password')


ftp.list('*.css').each {|file| puts file}

ftp.gettextfile('main.css', 'local_main.css')



def ftp_password

# Show how easily JRuby can handle password problem

require 'net/ftp'


ftp = Net::FTP.open('effectiveqa.com')

ftp.login('effectiv', 'BADPASSWORD')


puts "Here is where I fix the password"

ftp.login('username', 'password')


ftp.list('*.css').each {|file| puts file}


def file_tricks

# Different file/directory manipulations

# http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/index.html

require 'fileutils'

include FileUtils

begin cd('dfsdf') rescue puts 'Oops, had a problem...' end

chmod(0777, 'local_main.css')

puts "Don't match!" if ! cmp('local_main.css', 'local_main_1.css')

cp('local_main.css', 'local_main_copy.css')

puts "Do match!" if cmp('local_main.css', 'local_main_copy.css')

puts pwd


begin rm('DOESNT_EXIST') rescue puts 'Caught one' end


def file_tests

# Very nice tests

# http://ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/html/ref_m_filetest.html

puts FileTest.directory?('example.zip') # false

puts FileTest.size('example.zip') # 1723

puts FileTest.file?('.') # false

puts FileTest.file?('example.zip') # true

puts FileTest.readable?('example.zip') # true

puts FileTest.writable?('example.zip') # true

include FileTest

puts directory?('.') # true; needs include

puts file?('.') # false


def use_java

# Show off how easy it is to use Java from JRuby

include Java

zf = java.util.zip.ZipFile.new('example.zip')

puts "There are #{zf.size} files in the zip."

zf.entries.each {|entry| puts " file: #{entry}"}


def split_files

# Easy processing of DB dump files

lines = IO.readlines('pipeFile.txt')

lines.each {|line| puts line.split('|')[1]}


def system_calls

# JRuby has full access to OS calls

lines = `df`.split("\n")

lines.shift # Read off header line

lines.each do |line|

fields = line.split

next unless fields[0] =~ /C:$/ # Only care about the C: drive

percent = fields[4].to_i

puts "Holy cow, disk almost full" if percent > 95

puts "Disk > 50% full" if percent > 50



# Some interesting Ruby libraries

# http://beaver.net/slides/ruby/10-easy-pieces.html

# Library doc: http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/

# Pathnames: http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/pathname/rdoc/index.html

# MD5, sha1: http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/digest/rdoc/index.html

# Waking trees: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/find/rdoc/index.html

puts "\n**** I can access postgres\n"


puts "\n**** I can access FTP\n"


puts "\n**** I can tell if an FTP password failed\n"


puts "\n**** I have all kinds of *nix file commands\n"


puts "\n**** I also have all kinds of cool file tests\n"


puts "\n**** I can easily use Java code\n"


puts "\n**** I can split up Dave's db dump files\n"


puts "\n**** I can make OS calls with ease\n"


The only shortcoming I could find with JRuby is that it doesn't support all the command line options that Ruby does. So you can see that JRuby falls behind in the terseness of its one-liner to rip a particular field out of a pipe-delimited dump file, though I would argue it is more readable.

#> ruby -n -a -F"\|" -e "puts $F[1]" pipeFile.txt

#> perl -n -a -F"\|" -e 'print "$F[1]\n"' pipeFile.txt

#> jruby -e "IO.readlines('pipeFile.txt').each {|ln| puts ln.split('|')[1]}"

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